My dear friend Cindy found out a while back that I had 11 bridesmaids in my wedding (What can I say, I love my friends!) Anyway, she joked that if she knew me when I was getting married that she would be my 12th bridesmaid. Sadly, last Thursday was Cindy's last time at our Life Group because she is off to Nursing school starting Wed. in L.A. So as a good bye present I made her a card with her face attached to one of my bridesmaids so she could officially be my 12th bridesmaid. I have to say that it turned out pretty funny. Our Life Group is sad to see her go. She is full of light, joy, and truly the love of Christ. I will miss her!
Saturday, I was so happy to be able to get together with my college girlfriends for a very belated b-day celebration. I was blessed to catch up with Joanna, Candice, and Sarah (Rachel we missed you!), eat some yummy Panera, and just relax. Here I am with a few of my gifts. The apron is from Sommer Designs ( one of my new finds via Tammi's sister. She makes too cute for words hostess aprons, purses, and other fabulous fun items. All in all it was a wonderful day and the perfect birthday for me. Friends, food, and lots of talking. :)
This morning we got into Jake's truck and it wouldn't start. So Jake went to the auto parts store after church and got a new battery. Then the battery wasn't right. So Jake went back to the auto parts store and got another one. After the battery change, Jake realized he also blew a fuse, so back to the auto parts store he went for the third time. Needless to say, the car has started! Good job Jake!
Monday, I had a coupon for a box dinner from Macaroni Grill that you can find at the grocery store. All I had to do was buy chicken, and dinner was supposedly ready. Although I was a little skeptical, after making the meal and doing a taste test, Jake and I decided we will definitely make it again. It was very good, and not a bad price (about $6). The only draw back is that the meal is really for only 2 people. Basically, I thought I would share a good meal idea. :) Enjoy!
We found out Sat. night that Jake passed his PE exam. All that hard work definitely paid off. I am soooooo proud him! P.S. The calculator was his idea:)
This weekend we filled our time off with a fun bike ride and a trip to the OC Fair. Saturday afternoon we headed out on our bikes to the Incredible Edible Park in Irvine, only to find out the park is not edible at all. Although we couldn't pick the veggies, I guess they are picked and given to poor people. Oh, well! So we rode back empty handed, but had a good time anyway. After our bike ride we got ready for the OC Fair. Joanna and James were nice enough to invite us and treat us with their free tickets. We enjoyed looking at all the fried food, people watching, and seeing some amazing performances. I somehow managed to spill our lemon slushie all over myself, no surprise there. :) We saw a man blowing glass, a Japanese drum group, and my personal favorite, the Peking Acrobats. They were amazing. I took a couple pictures, but they didn't come out. It was a fun night, but we were ready to come home and go to bed. I start school this week, so it was my last weekend free from work. I'm sure I will have stories to come about that.
We ended our evening with a chocolate frosted cupcake with pink sprinkles. Delish!
This was the hugest onion I have ever seen!
Joanna, Dana, and Sarah at the OC fair.
My bike Penelope is ready to go!
Jake's pumping up the tires.